Wow! We cannot believe how quick the year is going, especially considering the end of this year is only a month and a half away. We have had a busy Fall Season and are just now playing catch up on our Avid Design Group Blog. Many new website and graphic design projects have been completed since our last post. To name a few, we have recently launched the following new website design projects:
Friends of the St. Augustine Amphitheatre (, launched September 2011. The Friends of the St. Augustine Amphitheatre, Inc. (FOSAA) is a non-profit organization committed to making the Amphitheatre more accessible to the community. Having its primary mission to increase access to the St. Augustine Amphitheatre by schools and other non-profit community organizations, FOSAA assists the venue in promoting excellence in programming and in being a positive contributor to the quality of life for citizens and visitors to St. Johns County.
St. Johns County Education Foundation (, launched October 2011. The St. Johns County Education Foundation is the direct support organization for the St. Johns County School District. This non-for-profit organization leads efforts to directly benefit the educators and students within the community through programs and events that strive to provide the tools and resources that are necessary to help each child in St. Johns County reach their full potential.
Many more projects are nearing the stage of completion and will be announced in the coming weeks. Thanks to all our clients for the support of our agency and those who have referred business our way.